Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Happy New Year everyone!!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

The car is now legal!!!!

Insert evil laugh here.

All right boys and girls, can we say road trip?

Yes dear we can laugh at the police now.

Now if I could just get the drivers side door fixed....damn clown car.

Monday, December 29, 2003

Here it is.....

OMG....have any of you tried the TGI Fridays mozzarella stick chips??? They are sooooo good. I know, I know, shame on me for mentioning chips when many of you are dieting. But you need to try them.

Well I didn't get the KA after all. Because of those dreaded bills and Christmas, I just couldn't see myself paying that much for a mixer. So I got the GE stand up has 2 bowls, mixer, dough hook, 12 speeds. I also got some more cookie sheets with a cooling rack and 2 cake pans. I see myself baking when I want to smoke a cigarette.

The boys also got yet another GameCube game. Super Smash Brothers Melee. Dylan got yet 1 more Bratz.

Off to mix something.


Rewind to last night....When Paul got home from his moms I HAD to ask...."Did she give us any money for Christmas?" (she always does) He said no. :( Ok, I wasn't really planning on it after the whole decorations thing. No big deal. A couple of hours later he casually asks me what color I hate in Kitchen Aids. Alarms go off in my head but I play along. "None really. They are all pretty. But I could do with out the tangarine."

I woke up this morning stressing out over the registration on the car. I get up, grab a cup of coffee and woke up some. Chatted with Paul on Messenger. Told him that he NEEDS to go get the car registration TODAY!!! He was like, "um, OK". 20 minutes later he calls me and asks if the car can wait till Thursday. "No it can not wait. I will not be driving that car if its not registered by the 1st." (the car has needed its registration renewed for months!! we have been very lucky!!)

Anywho, he gets quiet for a moment and then says I ruined his surprise. Paul, "I wasn't going to tell you, it was a surprise. Mom did give us some money and I was going to tell you I was working late tonight and go get your Kitchen Aid." Me, "I knew it!!" Jumping for joy at this point. Me, "Well you can still tell me you are working late, go get the registration and get my KA."

Not sure what he is going to do right now. I really want the registration for the car. My KA can wait another day.

Trey and Vince got money also and they can't wait to go shopping. They where in on the surprise. They did a very good job keeping the secret.

Merry Christmas to me!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2003

The tree, decorations and lights are down and put away. The laundry is done. The apartment is vacuumed, twice!! Eddie is playing Mario Sunshine, Chris is playing with the Kerplunk game they got, and Dylan is watching them both while feeding his face. Paul took Trey and Vince to their Grannie's. The Texans almost tied a game against the Colts but lost in the last 5 seconds. And I am sitting here being bored while I take a breather from cleaning.

Talked to my sister yesterday about the dart board. She said the post office promised it would be here last Wednesday. Paul made the comment, "Did they come to your house and pack it for you and take it to the post office for you?" ROFL

Trey, looking at a book of worthless trivia, "What is the Baroque period?"
Paul, "That some time period in the art world"
Me, "Thats when you are broker than are bah-roque-a!!"

3 days left till the New Year. I can do this. I will stop smoking. I will stop smoking. I will stop smoking, yada, yada, yada...

Are you as bored as I am yet? :)

Speaking of smoking, Paul took the only lighter that works and left the cigs here. Is he trying to tell me something? Is he teasing me? That pig!! LOL

My living room looks very empty now with no tree. :(

Saturday, December 27, 2003

I'm starting to get nervous about my New Year's resolution. What if I can't do it??

Testing...testing.....1, 2, 3

Can ya see me now?

Friday, December 26, 2003

Happy day after Christmas!!!!

Now the clean up begins. My apartment is a mess. Pauls not feeling all that great and will most likely be coming home early from work. Lana is in heat and can't stop rubbing on everyone.

But we had a great Christmas. The kids where happy with what they got. After Paul picked up Trey and Vince, they stopped by his sisters and picked up more presents. She got all the kids some nice Old Navy shirts. Pauls neice got me this awsome candle gift has about 6 4 inch jar candles in floral scents, about 20 tea lights in floral scents and a tea light lamp with a stain glass shade. Its gorgeous. It all came in this HUGE basket.

I doubt seriously my sister sent the dart board. She says it should have been here Wednesday and it wasn't. I just tried to ask her about it on Messenger and she ignored me. Won't be the first time, prolly won't be the last. The little twit still owes me $50. I swear her and the bitch are one and the same sometimes. So if they dart board doesn't come today I guess I will shopping for Paul's christmas present next week.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Hey Tim S. ......Merry Christmas!!!


Its 1am, I'm wide awake watching "The Christmas Story" for the umpteenth time. "Santa" has come, gobbled up the banana bread, dropped off the presents and is now sound asleep in bed. ;)

Dylan opened up his Bratz tonight. He loves it. He told me he loved me for getting it for him. I cried. He is sooooo sweet. He is already telling me that he needs a friend for it. Maybe for his birthday.

Chris and Eddie both opened their Transformers. Eddie knew which one his was. Dylan helped me wrap it. After many reminders to not tell Eddie what it was, Dylan walked to the computer, went to the Transformers web site and showed Eddie which one he got. I told Dylan that wasn't very nice and that I may not trust him to keep secrets. His response...."I didn't TELL him, I SHOWED him!" He is such a smart-ass. LOL

Chris was very excited about his Transformer. He has wanted this certain one for so long.

I can't wait for them to open the rest of their presents. I have my camera on the coffee table so I don't forget to take pictures. I'm known to do that.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Merry Christmas Eve to all!!!!


Tuesday, December 23, 2003

OMG....I am LMAO right now. My ex just called.......


Mike...."Dear, how many kids do we have?"


Mike...."Thats what I thought but my boss just came up to me and said he got some paperwork and someone if fileing child support against me."

Me....(LOL at this point) "Well gee dear I can name 5 girls off the top of my head right now that you cheated on me with....there's K., C., the room mates, K., and lets not forget N. Oh, and didn't K try to say she was pregnant but then conviently had a 'miscarriage' when you asked for proof?"

Oh, crap I just thought of someone else he dated when we broke up. He may have forgotten about her and I wouldn't put it past her either.

This does not surprise me one bit. I'm surprised it took him this long. LOL

Monday, December 22, 2003

I think I have figured out what Chris' problem is. He has RAD.....Reactive Attachment Disorder. I stumbled across this site and then did more reseach on it. Here are the symptoms and I will put a yes or no next to it if Chris has it or not.

Intense control battles, very bossy and argumentative, defiance and anger (YES)
Resists affection on parental terms (no)
Lack of eye control, especially with parents-will look into eyes when lying (yes)
Manipulative- superficially charming and engaging (yes)
Indiscriminately affectionate with strangers (yes)
Poor peer relationships (yes)
Steals (use to)
Lies about the obvious (yes)
Lack of conscience- shows no remorse (yes)
Destructive to propery, self and/or others (sometimes)
Lack of impulse control (yes)
Hypervigilant/hyperactive (hyperactive, yes)
learning lags/delays (yes)
Speech and language problems (yes)
Incessant chatter and/or questions (no)
Inappropriately demanding and/or clingy (demanding, yes)
Food issues- hordes, gorges, refuses to eat, eats strange things, hides food (doesn't eat but thats a side effect of the Adderall he is on for ADHD, so no)
Fascinated with fire, blood, gore, weapons, evil ( no, this stuff scares him)
Very concerned about tiny hurts but brushes of big hurts (no)
Parents appear hostile and angry (dealing with my son, YES)
The child was neglected and /or physically abused in the first three years of life (no)

Potential causes.....

Neglect (no)
Abuse (verbal, yes)
Separation from the primary caregiver (other than when I had to work, no)
Changes in the primary caregiver (well, he was bounced from sitter to sitter when I did have to work)
Traumatic experiences (does haveing 3 grandparents die and his parents split up count?)
Maternal depression (yep)
Maternal addiction - drugs or alcohol (yep)
Undiagnosed, painful illness such as colic, ear infections, etc (most likely)
Lack of attunement between mother and child (yep)
Young or unexperienced mother with poor parenting skills (yep)

So now, after 7 years of trying to figure out what his problem is and medicating him for things that he might not have, I am at a lose for words but yet thrilled to death that I might know what is wrong with my son. From what I read there is no medication for it, just therapy. I plan on calling his dr tomorrow and discussing this with him and seeing what we can do. I should be upset since most of his problems are my fault but I'm not. I was young and stupid. I see the problem and am changing it.

Dylan has been running a fever today. Kelli lost my thermometer so I have been going on the feel method. He started to feel hotter tonight so I ran him over to Jackie's to take his temp....100.9. Not as high as I expected it to be. He has no other symptoms other than complaining his neck hurts, but not stiff and no headache. He gets like this about every 6 months...runs a fever with no other symptoms. MIL told me once that Paul would do the same thing at this age.

Well its almost midnight and I should go to bed. But I may go watch tv.

Night all :)

Saturday, December 20, 2003

I am either the worst mom known to man or the best in the decide.

I let the boys open their Game Cube stuff last night. I thought it out and decided since Trey and Vince won't be here Christmas morning, why not let them all have it now. It won't be fair to Chris and Eddie to open it Christmas morning and then have to wait till the afternoon to play it when T and V got here. And I got to enjoy the screams and yells and hoorays of 4 boys all at once. :D

And to be fair I let Dylan open his stuffed Power Ranger. He's in love with the damn thing. LOL

So as the older boys played GC all night, I snuck my CSI game out from under the tree and loaded it on the puter. I like the game but I really think it is a waste of money. It has 5 cases to solve....I already solved 3 of them. I will probably finish the game sometime today.

I'm also cramping badly today.

And the apartment (why do I keep calling it a house?) is trashed again.

I'm going back to bed.

Friday, December 19, 2003

This is a day of celebration......... whole house is clean!!!!!!

Feeling much better today. I think it was something I ate. Maybe the stew I made? I was the only one that actually ate it. The kids picked at it and Paul lost his appetite argueing with Maggie.

I thought I got all the laundry done last night. This morning its back!!!!

I think I am making porcupine balls for dinner tonight. Haven't made that in a while.

I'm bored.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

I feel pukey today. My tum tum hurts. I can't be sick today. Dylan's chistmas party at school today. I won't be going :(
I also have ton of laundry to do. Need to do it between visits to the toliet.

Paul was hired on direct at Maverick yesterday. Yipee!!!!!!! No more worries. He called Maggie when he got home to let her know. I told him not too because she would ask for more money. "No she won't, this is good news". First thing out of her mouth was, "When are you paying me for the insurance?" (See Paul, I told you) Thus insued a half hour of phone calls, hang ups and yelling over the phone. The fucking bitch is threatening to "hide" the kids when he goes to pick them up tomorrow night. Me, in the background, "To quote you Maggie, if Paul does not have the kids at 6 pm he's calling the cops". Maggie is always threatening us with this or that, but when we threaten her with the same thing she says we are wrong and don't know what we are talking about. The bitch has gotten $2200. from Paul in child support and back CS since he started working (Sept.), but she can't find the money to get Trey new glasses. She wants Paul to pay her back for getting insurance for the boys, but news flash bitch, Paul doesn't pay you back....he pays the state back. Medicaid does not come out of your pocket.

I feel bad about what I am about to say but it has to be said.......I may leave Paul because of the bitch. She is the ulitmate bitch and I don't think I can take it much more. She pisses him off so much and then he takes it out on me and the kids. Not in an abusive way, just his additude....bitchy and rude and self centered.

Or we could just find a lawyer and fight her for custody of the boys. We want it, the boys want to live with us, she's a terrible mother. But we need money for a lawyer and she is already sucking us dry.

Ugh, enough of her.

Monday, December 15, 2003

Almost didn't get to go shopping. Paul is going to be working overtime this week so he decided to just take the car to the shop for new brakes instead of doing it himself. Luckily they could squeeze us in and I had the car back by 6. So after a dinner of pizza and chicken tenders ala Pappa Johns, I ran to Walmart.

I got.....
Eddie....1 pair of school pants, 2 pairs of sweatpants, wallet, Bionicles movie
Vince....1 shirt, wallet, Santa Clause 2 movie
Trey.....wallet, 2 pair of jeans, 2 shirts
Chris....2 pair of sweatpants, wallet, Space Jam movie
Paul....Houston Texans ball cap, Spiderman movie
fur babies....kitty condo (they got that now. It would be a bitch to wrap)
me....a black cherry scented candle
Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup for Game Cube

I think I am done. YAY!!!! This will be the first time EVER I am done this early. All I have left to get are batteries for Dylan's Santa gift, a gift for Dylan's party at school and then the candy for the stockings. Maybe one more thing for Vince. Oh, and the darts for Pauls dart board. I need to run to Academy for that.

Oh, and bonus, the boom box I got at the yard sale last week works!!! That would be a bitch to wrap also so I will just clean it up a little and put a bow on it for the twins.

I'm bored.

Shopping list..........
Eddie....1 pair of school pants, 2 school shirts, shoes
Vince....I have no freakin idea!!! He is so hard to shop for and I don't know why. I already bought him 1 outfit. I guess I will wander around the toy department.
Trey.....clothes. For being almost 14 he still likes to play with Legos and Bionicles so I will get him some of those also. sis is sending me an electric dart board to give to Paul. She had 3 and sent me an extra one. I just need to buy the darts for it. Kelli told me about a moustache/beard trimmer that has a vacuum thingie so I will look for that. He also wants a computer game, Ages of Wonder??
Me....if I can afford it, my Kitchen Aid mixer. Maybe some pajamas.
Oh yeah, pj's for all the kids
Wallets for all the kids
Stocking stuffers
Fur babies....I want to get them a kitty condo/scratching post

I need to stop at Blockbuster and get movies for everyone.

I need to get my baking done this week too. I need to decide what I am making. Kelli gave me her recipe for Texas Trash so I will make some of that. Paul was asking for some last night. I don't like cereal of any kind, but love this stuff. Cookies, fudge, I may dip pretzels. Maybe make some more dough ornaments. Oh, I just found the toffee recipe....setting that aside. `

Ok, I have decided.....Texas Trash, fudge, toffee, Butterfinger cookies, and chocolate peanut buddy bars.

damn it.....hit the wrong button again.

Let's see here.......Saturday I was bored out of my mind till the afternoon when I went to Kelli's and we made dough ornaments. That was fun. The kids painted them. Well, tried to paint them. The paint I had was drying up (old paint) so Kelli had the idea to make icing paint (confectioners sugar and food coloring). Worked great!!! The ornaments really look like cookies. Then Tim's best friend came over and we ended up having an impromptu party. We were all a little bad. Jackie showed up sometime during the day and her and "D" got all cuddly. They have had crushes on each other for so long. I finally went home around 1 am. of laundry. Its all done tho!!!! Cleaned house. Made a pot of beans for dinner. Watched Survivor and cheered that Sandra won!!!! far I have woken up and sent 2 kids to school. 1 more to go. Then I get to spend the day stalking the mailman for Pauls check and a box. I was told the box would be here last week but it hasn't come yet. I'm also waiting on a box from my sister. I think she said she would send it today. And then tonight I get to (hopefully) finish my Christmas shopping. I still have Trey, Vince and Paul to shop for. I may get my mixer if we can afford it. And I need to get some clothes for Eddie, and a new jacket for Dylan.

I also need to go thru my recipes and make sure I have all the ingrediants for all the cookies and candies I will be making this week. I need to make goodie tins for the kids teachers before the week is out.

I have been told to come blog. LOL

Let's see here......

Friday, December 12, 2003

I know, I know, I'm bad. I haven't blogged in a few days. But there hasn' t been much to report.

Kelli and Jackie are going shopping..........(pause, phone rang.....continues 1 1/2 hours later)

Oh the drama!!! As I was saying Kelli and Jackie are going shopping, BUT Kelli wanted to leave at 9. She called Jackie at 8 to make sure she was ready. Jackie was still in bed. They all over slept. Let her getup and get the kids to school and she would be there by 10. My phone rang at 10 (the pause above) I answered it "She's not there is she?". Kelli, "She's still in bed". Kelli was pissed.

I know it sounds childish and pityful, but there is more to the story and I don't want to bore anyone. I'll just say that Jackie is a little jealous of Kelli and I doing things and whined and moaned to go shopping with Kelli today and then overslept. Kelli likes to shop, Jackie doesn't so getting Jackie to do anything is like pulling teeth.

The only reason I am not with them is because I don't have any Christmas money right now to spend. I get to go with them next week :) :) :) :) :) :)

More later....Steve and Joe are on Blues Clues. Must go watch Steve!!!!


Tuesday, December 09, 2003

My cats are a trip. I just got Clark out of the Christmas tree AGAIN and set him on the floor. He looks at me like "What? What do you want me to do now? You know my attention span is as big as a ......" he attacks something under the couch. After a quick nap, I mean snack he's off to climb the couch and stalk the tree. Now the wall is putting him to sleep, one eye steady on the tree as if it will attack him.

Dylan and I made paper garland for the tree today. We also decorated his stocking for school. We were a gluey mess. :)

Finished 5 loads of laundry, 4 more to go. Why do kids have to wear clothes? Made burgers for dinner. Swept, mopped and hoovered. Cleaned the cat box and feed the furry kids.

Right now I am enjoying some me time. Paul is asleep, the kids hopefully are too. I have my windows open enjoying the cool breeze. After a few more games of solitare I think I will go watch disk 2 of "Pirates of the Caribean".

Night all.

Monday, December 08, 2003

Nothing exciting to report. I had to get on to a kid on Eddie's bus this morning. He has been bullying Eddie. I just told this brat to not talk to my son again or touch my son again. Little brat just rolled his eyes at me. I need to talk to the afternoon bus driver to see what happened Friday.

My house is a mess. I didn't do a damn thing all weekend. Just a lazy weekend.

Good news!!! Snapper is sending me a box. I can't wait to see what's in it. I'm just so touched that she would do this. Luv ya girl :)

Chris has a dr's appt tonight, after that we need to go to the grocery store. Paul needs to run by Time Warner and pay them before they cut us off. I mailed them a payment and called to let them know and they said we need to go to the store and pay it so that its posted right way. So they are getting a double payment from us this month. That sux.

More later, must clean now.......

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Last night was fun. We went to Paul's companys Christmas party.

After Mike came and picked up the twins I jumped in the shower, got dressed and grabbed my brushed and curling irons and went to Kelli's. She said she wanted to do my hair. I get there and she and Kayla start fighting over who was going to do my hair. LOL Then Kayla asked to do my make-up and Kelli said "Let her. She is really good with make-up". So I did. Lets just say I looked HOT when they where done with me. LOL Go home and dressed in the pantsuit I borrowed from Kellie. The navy blue pumps I had looked good with the pantsuit. Called Jackie to let her know we were bringing Dylan over. Dropped off Dylan and off to Claudio's we go. Its a really nice restaraunt on Clear Lake. Paul introduces me to his co-workers. I must admit I turned a few heads. Its nice to know I still have it!!!! The waiters where like vultures. The circled the room asking everyone if they needed a drink. One guy had 2 beers in his hands and he was asked 3 times if he needed another drink in the time Paul and I where talking to him. We ordered Dr. Peppers and where promptly reminded that it was an open bar. "We know, we want a Dr. Pepper". After about an hour the buffet is open. Prime Rib, Snapper, and Chicken Marsala, new potatoes, salad and rolls. The food was sooooo good!!! I had a Slow Gin Fizz with dinner.....didn't taste as good as I remember. After dinner we went out on the patio for a cigarrette. It was cold last night. The patio overlooked the lake but still close enough to the restaraunt to enjoy the singer (the owner is the singer). Of course a waiter follows us out there. I decided to try a Lemon Drop. It was good but not enough lemon for me. When we finished our drinks we decided to go home. Got to Jackies, "Perfect timing, he is getting tired and whiney". When we got home I had Paul take pictures of me in front of the Christmas tree. Its not very often I get dressed up and look HOT!!! LOL

It was a good stress free night. :)

Friday, December 05, 2003


Walking Eddie to the bus stop we see a yard sale. We go check it out. Found a cd/boombox for $7. One more gift for the twins. YAY!!!!!

Coming back from garage sale Kelli yells for me from her patio......"What are you wearing tonight?" Me, "A yellow sweater with a black skirt" (Still can't find any shoes I like) Kelli, "Come on up and raid my closet." She has a plum colored velvet pantsuit that is gorgeous. It has an oriental type color (mandarin??) I would be more comfortable in pants anyway. Still need to find some shoes tho. The only dressy ones I have are navy blue pumps. I may run to Family Dollar when Paul gets home and see what they have.

Thursday, December 04, 2003

I am beat!!!!! I have been on the go since 2pm.

Pictures have been developed and posted. Layaway is home and most of it wrapped and under the tree. Walmart didn't have the Game Cube with the Zelda game so I will be calling around to see who does have it and exchange it. If not, oh well, they have 3 other games for it.

Why does it take Walmart an hour to get my stuff out of layaway?!?!?!?! There wasn't a line when I got there. I paid off the balance and then waited an hour for them to bring it to me. I was told a manager must retreive the layaways and they are stored behind the store in trailers. Ok, fine, but its freakin Christmas time and there was only 1 manager on duty!!!!

Time for bed. Goodnight.

Today is going to be a great day!!!! I finally got my faucet in the kitchen fixed so I can finish cleaning it. The faucet was broke......turn on the water and it was a sprinkler. Paul's check came in the mail so I get to go shopping!!!!!! Paul just called and said he is on his way home. I am going to go to Walmart and get the layaway out, then exchange the game cube for the one with the Zelda games in it. The boys will LOVE it!!! Need to take the boys for haircuts. Need to go grocery shopping. Pay bills. Need to find a pair of shoes for tomorrow night. I may break down and pay to get my eyebrows done. I could do it hear but it looks so much better when I get them done. Need to hit Family Dollar for more lights. Need to take film in to get developed.

Busy busy busy.

I'm bored.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Well no check in the mail today so no shopping :( Unless you count talking my sister into sending me an extra electronic dart board she has to me for Pauls gift. :) She said she would send it this weekend, but I won't hold my breath. She also sent me some nasty pictures. Pictures you don't want to look at with kids in the room. Gross, nasty!!!!! Must go look at pictures of George or Hugh to get those images out of my mind. Eeeeewwwwwwww!!!!!!!!

Kelli is feeling better today. We made fudge and cookies. Tyler and Dylan helped also.

Oh, and Paul has finally ended it with his family. He went to his moms after work to do some shopping for her and she started in on him again about our decorations. "You should have gotten them when you had the chance". "But mom no one gave us the chance. Stewart just went over there and took them. Didn't call us at all." So he has had enough of her shit. He told her to never call us again if she needs shopping, have someone else go buy her booze (which she shouldn't have anyway). He told me when he got home that we are not paying her back, he considers it payback for our decorations.

I also went over the bills today. It was cutting it close until Paul said we aren't paying his mom back. That is such a relief!!! I can't wait for Christmas to be over so I can stop stealing from "Paul" to pay "Peter" or get Christmas gifts. I am also looking forward to the new year and our resolution......we are going to stop smoking. (as I light a cig) I think I will have a harder time giving up my hippy smoke than my cigarettes.

Hey Snapper.....get your rear in gear. You haven't blogged in days!!!! LOL And wheres my gift?? (no pressure.....LOL)

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Kelli fell down her stairs last night. She hurt her hiney. Neither her or Tyler where at the bus stop this morning so I called and big Kayla was all "Robin, she fell down the stairs and twisted her ankle and hurt her back". So I dug my full body massager out of the closet and took it down to Kelli. She could barely walk. Her ankle is fine but she landed hard on her tailbone. I think she needs to go to the dr, but she is a nurse and said shes fine, just hurts.

Other than that it is pretty boring around here. I'm am now battling Chris to do his homework. Paul is asleep on the couch. Dylan is drawing me a picture. Eddie is watching tv in my room. And I am sitting here blogging away waiting on Jackie to bring me some cat litter.

But good news, I will be busy the next couple of days. Tomorrow should be payday so I will be grocery shopping, might sneek in some Christmas shopping. Thursday is family night at Dylan's school and there will be a surprise visitor to see the kids (Santa). And Friday night is Paul's Christmas party. I'm kind of looking forward to that. Need to go to Walmart and pick up the layaway. Still don't know where I will hide it all. I may just put what is already wrapped under the tree and that way all I have to worry about are the Santa presents.....but they are big and alot of them. My cedar chest only hides so much. Oh, and I still need to buy some shoes to wear to the Christmas party.

Well off to make dinner......

Monday, December 01, 2003

Damn it damn it shit damn it.........

I hit the wrong button and *poof* my post was gone.

I guess it was a good thing. I wasn't happy about what I posted anyway. It sounded silly to me after I typed it out, KWIM?

The boys are back in school. 2 hours and 20 minutes of pure bliss. Laundry is done. Floor is swept. Paitently waiting on the mail in the hopes that Pauls check was mailed on time. Doubtful due to holiday last week. I was so busy cleaning I almost forgot to meet Dylan at the bus.

Clark has got to be the messiest little kitty. He gets a bath almost every day because kitty litter sticks to him. When he eats he scatters the food all over the floor. Oh, and now thanks to all the boys (Paul included) he begs for table scraps. So when someone is at the table eating all I hear is this little meow non-stop till said someone is done eating. Not to mention when he gets a drink of water he has to get in the bowl and spill it.

But he is soooooo cute. Paul, Mr I don't want a cat let alone 2 of them, loves him. He was in heaven the other day with both Lana and Clark asleep on his lap.

Its a new week. See if Dylan can be good this week at school and if Chris can change his additude. I think I know what Dylan's problem is.....he sneaks too many sips of my Dr. Pepper. Chris is just plain mad and over reacts to getting into trouble. He is good at school which is fantastic. His grades even came up this year. But at home he is just mean. His next appointment is next week. I need to see what the dr. says. We are still playing with the Wellbutrin to get the dosage right. But something needs to be done. Getting him to brush his teeth is a battle.

More later.......