Monday, December 22, 2003

I think I have figured out what Chris' problem is. He has RAD.....Reactive Attachment Disorder. I stumbled across this site and then did more reseach on it. Here are the symptoms and I will put a yes or no next to it if Chris has it or not.

Intense control battles, very bossy and argumentative, defiance and anger (YES)
Resists affection on parental terms (no)
Lack of eye control, especially with parents-will look into eyes when lying (yes)
Manipulative- superficially charming and engaging (yes)
Indiscriminately affectionate with strangers (yes)
Poor peer relationships (yes)
Steals (use to)
Lies about the obvious (yes)
Lack of conscience- shows no remorse (yes)
Destructive to propery, self and/or others (sometimes)
Lack of impulse control (yes)
Hypervigilant/hyperactive (hyperactive, yes)
learning lags/delays (yes)
Speech and language problems (yes)
Incessant chatter and/or questions (no)
Inappropriately demanding and/or clingy (demanding, yes)
Food issues- hordes, gorges, refuses to eat, eats strange things, hides food (doesn't eat but thats a side effect of the Adderall he is on for ADHD, so no)
Fascinated with fire, blood, gore, weapons, evil ( no, this stuff scares him)
Very concerned about tiny hurts but brushes of big hurts (no)
Parents appear hostile and angry (dealing with my son, YES)
The child was neglected and /or physically abused in the first three years of life (no)

Potential causes.....

Neglect (no)
Abuse (verbal, yes)
Separation from the primary caregiver (other than when I had to work, no)
Changes in the primary caregiver (well, he was bounced from sitter to sitter when I did have to work)
Traumatic experiences (does haveing 3 grandparents die and his parents split up count?)
Maternal depression (yep)
Maternal addiction - drugs or alcohol (yep)
Undiagnosed, painful illness such as colic, ear infections, etc (most likely)
Lack of attunement between mother and child (yep)
Young or unexperienced mother with poor parenting skills (yep)

So now, after 7 years of trying to figure out what his problem is and medicating him for things that he might not have, I am at a lose for words but yet thrilled to death that I might know what is wrong with my son. From what I read there is no medication for it, just therapy. I plan on calling his dr tomorrow and discussing this with him and seeing what we can do. I should be upset since most of his problems are my fault but I'm not. I was young and stupid. I see the problem and am changing it.

Dylan has been running a fever today. Kelli lost my thermometer so I have been going on the feel method. He started to feel hotter tonight so I ran him over to Jackie's to take his temp....100.9. Not as high as I expected it to be. He has no other symptoms other than complaining his neck hurts, but not stiff and no headache. He gets like this about every 6 months...runs a fever with no other symptoms. MIL told me once that Paul would do the same thing at this age.

Well its almost midnight and I should go to bed. But I may go watch tv.

Night all :)


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