Monday, August 30, 2004

Random thoughts.....
Dropping 2 pants sizes is a good thing.
"Totally Obsessed" scares me.
Chocolate is my friend.
17 days till Survivor.

Monday.... Paul's 47th birthday. The day sucked, but yet the same as every other year. We are sooooo over birthdays.

Tuesday....I get to work to hear that one of our regular customers tripped over the rug walking in the store and broke her hip. We don't think she will sue, but you never know these days. Its all on tape and looks like an accident.

Thursday....Went to Dylan's open house. He is doing great. I told his teacher that it is a good idea to seperate him and Matthew. Matthew is a classmate from last year that moved to the complex. They are best buds and inseperable.

Friday....Long story short, the trash man finally came and emptied the dumpster. Seeing as I personally know the maintenance man, I knew he wouldn't pick up all the trash littering the parking lot. So I did it. What a freakin mess. Think 2 weeks of no pick up. Fear Factor has nothing on me.

Saturday.....My day off. I slept like a log. Ran to the grocery store. Ran out of gas pulling in to a parking spot. Had just enough gas to make it to the gas station. Just pulled the last of the cookies I am making out of the oven....chocolate cookies with white chocolate chips. Yummy!!! I'm going to take some to Jackie in the morning before work. She had back surgery a week and a half ago and is sporting the latest in back brace wear. She's doing great. Came home 3 days after surgery. She asked me how bad her scar will be and I told her it will be 2 or 3 years before she is back in a bikini.

We are surviving. Paul got some good and bad news this morning. Good....he got a call about an interview. Keep your fingers crossed. Bad....his mom is dying. Kidney failure. The dr's give her 6 months, the family says any day now. She has given up, stopped eating and all she wants to do is sleep. Paul is in shock.

Work is good. I'm working between 30 and 32 hours a week. All my regulars missed me. My hispanic customers are trying to teach me spanish. One in particular will not pay me until I say his total in spanish. LOL. Work is also how I found out I have dropped 2 pant sizes. I knew I was loosing weight but didn't know how much since my scales are broke. My size 18's where just huge on me. So I dug out 2 old pairs of 14's. They fit perfect!! I'm lovin it!! I guess there is one good thing that comes from stress.

Love and miss you all :)


At August 30, 2004 at 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're doing better! I haven't checked your blog in a while.

I'm sorry about your MIL. Isn't there anything they can do for that sort of thing? Scary, because my mom's going through the same thing, but she won't tell us anything about it.


At August 30, 2004 at 11:02 AM, Blogger Pez said...

I am sorry to read about your MIL, Robin. I will say a prayer for her.

I miss you too. Congrats on dropping 2 pants sizes. :)

At September 16, 2004 at 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello extremely busy lady! Birthdays? Adults still have those? I am glad things are looking up and sorry about your MIL. My dh is still recovering emotionally. :-(

A tip for your friend's scar, try pure vitamin E or emu oil every day, once or twice daily.



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