Monday, December 08, 2003

Nothing exciting to report. I had to get on to a kid on Eddie's bus this morning. He has been bullying Eddie. I just told this brat to not talk to my son again or touch my son again. Little brat just rolled his eyes at me. I need to talk to the afternoon bus driver to see what happened Friday.

My house is a mess. I didn't do a damn thing all weekend. Just a lazy weekend.

Good news!!! Snapper is sending me a box. I can't wait to see what's in it. I'm just so touched that she would do this. Luv ya girl :)

Chris has a dr's appt tonight, after that we need to go to the grocery store. Paul needs to run by Time Warner and pay them before they cut us off. I mailed them a payment and called to let them know and they said we need to go to the store and pay it so that its posted right way. So they are getting a double payment from us this month. That sux.

More later, must clean now.......


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