I now have comments.
Tales from the Laundry Room
Just the boring everyday ramblings of a SAHM to 3 boys. The twin boys, who next month turn 12, who will very soon put their beloved mother in the looney bin. There is the 5 year old, who is his mother's shadow, who, if it wheren't for certain body parts, would be the ultimate drama queen. These are the Tales of the Laundry Room
Saturday, January 31, 2004
Geessss Louise, who do I have to fuck to be able to sleep late in this place?
Paul, when I roll away from you in bed and start throwing blankets off of me, that does not mean come roll closer to me and cuddle.....It means I freakin hot.
Dylan, do not come crawl into bed with me and start sniffling and then wake me up to let me know your nose is runny......go blow your freakin nose.
Next time anyone else wants to sleep late in the morning I am throwing the cats in the room with them.
To the rest of the world.....Good morning, how are you today?
Friday, January 30, 2004
Please, go head, someone slap me.
I have known for over a year now that the Superbowl would be coming to Houston. My first and only thought has been "Football, big deal". Well I wasn't thinking very smart. It hit me last night like a TON of bricks that there are celebrities in town this weekend. Brad Pitt has been spotted in Houston. I just about came right there on the spot when I heard that. They even said where he is staying on the news but of course I didn't hear it over my husband rambling on about something that wasn't important. I almost started crying over the thought of celebrities in my hometown. And since Paul and I each have our list of celebrities we would love to have sex with (ala Ross), I think I may go celebrity stalking this weekend. Brad is on my list. Paul may go with me since Jen is on his list. (not like it would actually happening, ya know, sex with a celebrity but I can dream).
I think I may go to the Galleria and just sit somewhere and watch. Rumor has it Madonna is in town and has been spotted at a Starbucks. Rumor has it that Brad and Jen went to Ruth Chris Steak House Wednesday night and bought an older couple dinner who were celebrating an anniversary. I know that the Roxy is the official club of one of the teams, but I don't like players, unless of course it is David Carr.
Thursday, January 29, 2004
Nothing new to report yet. 1 load of laundry is drying. Some dishes need washed. Lana has been staying off the fridge so no new and exciting messes to clean up.
I'm using the patch now to stop smoking. I don't like the side effects I'm getting. Annoying headache, which ever arm I am using for the patch hurts thru out the day, so I haven't been using it for the whole 24 hours I am to keep it on for. I think its working. I do miss the taste of a cigarette tho :(
Dylan is on his first field trip today. They went to 1 of the high schools to see the pigs. They are studying barn yard animals this week. I'm more excited about it than he is. I can't wait till he gets home to hear all about it and see the shirt he made in class for the trip. They used white t-shirts and painted their hand prints on them. CUTE!!
I'm also waiting to hear if Paul gets the advance today or not. He was approved for it yesterday. I'm hoping it will be fed-exed to the office today. We are ok on food for today. Tomorrow is a little iffy.
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Snagged this from SAHP's......
This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up. Never use "fine" to describe how a woman looks - this will cause you to have one of those arguments.
This is half an hour. It is equivalent to the five minutes that your football game is going to last before you take out the trash, so it's an even trade.
This means "something," and you should be on your toes. "Nothing" is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, upside down, and backwards. "Nothing" usually signifies an argument that will last "Five Minutes" and end with "Fine"
GO AHEAD (With Raised Eyebrows! )
This is a dare. One that will result in a woman getting upset over "Nothing" and will end with the word "Fine"
GO AHEAD (Normal Eyebrows)
This means "I give up" or "do what you want because I don't care" You will get a "Raised Eyebrow Go Ahead" in just a few minutes, followed by "Nothing" and "Fine" and she will talk to you in about "Five Minutes" when she cools off.
This is not actually a word, but is a nonverbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot at that moment, and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing"
Again, not a word, but a nonverbal statement. "Soft Sighs" mean that she is content. Your best bet is to not move or breathe, and she will stay content.
This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before paying you back for whatever it is that you have done. "That's Okay" is often used with the word "Fine" and in conjunction with a "Raised Eyebrow."
At some point in the near future, you are going to be in some mighty big trouble.
This is not a statement, it is an offer. A woman is giving you the chance to come up with whatever excuse or reason you have for doing whatever it is that you have done. You have a fair chance with the truth, so be careful and you shouldn't get a "That's Okay"
A woman is thanking you. Do not! faint. Just say you're welcome.
This is much different from "Thanks." A woman will say, "Thanks A Lot" when she is really ticked off at you. It signifies that you have offended her in some callous way, and will be followed by the "Loud Sigh." Be careful not to ask what is wrong after the "Loud Sigh," as she will only tell you "Nothing"
Keith has cystic fybrosis. He went to the dr last week to be tested and it came back positive. His family wants him to go back home (Kansas City) for treatments. He doesn't want to go.....1) he doesn't want the treatments and, 2) he's scared Jackie would leave him. He just wants to stay here. I don't blame him. I think this may be why Jackie is acting so strange lately. She hasn't been telling me much of what has been going on with Keith. What I have been finding out I'm getting thru Kelly or Jackie will tell me a little. Kelly told me yesterday that Jackie told her she doesn't love Keith enough to watch him die. (Well I knew that!!)
Eddie is going back to school. YAY!!! He was hoping for one more day at home. He was wishing his fever was back this morning. NOT!! Paul went back to work too. I have my apartment back!!! But, when Paul came home yesterday he said the car was overheating. Great!! Its going to totally die on us before we can get it fixed.
Which brings me to my next rant....the income tax check won't be ready till next weekend. :/ Thanks to the bitch again, we couldn't claim Trey again. She says she hasn't filed her taxes yet (yeah right, then who else claimed him?). We are still getting the same amount, but because of what she did we couldn't get the rapid refund that we soooo badly need. So we are living on $50 for the next 2 weeks and I haven't even gone grocery shopping yet. Donantions can be made to............. (j/k.....no I'm not).
But I asked Paul to check about getting a advance on his next check. We will not make it on $50. Chris has his science project due next week and the display board alone costs $7. Then I need to go buy the litmus paper. I have pictures to take. I could hit Mike up for some money but he just moved into his house and I'm sure doesn't want to hear me asking for money. (which reminds me, I need to call him)
Well I need to go get my sheets out of the dryer and finish getting Eddie ready for school.
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Monday, January 26, 2004
Eddie is sick....fever right now of 104. In warm bath and taken tylenol.
Dylan tripped over the parking lot and stubbed his big toe bad.
Paul's home sick also, upset tummy.
House is a freakin mess.
Still no income tax money yet. Maybe tomorrow.
I'm getting hungry. Need to figure out what to feed those that will be eating. Maybe just take us to McD's.
Saturday, January 24, 2004
The car needs work on done to it. Paul got home from picking up Trey and Vince and said the engine was clanking. Not a good thing to hear. He said he checked the oil and water and they where fine. He managed to get home with out it dying on him. I can drive it to the store which is not even a mile away round trip. So of course I start stressing over money. He just got paid and since they didn't take out the insurance payment last check, they took the whole amount out of this one so we are already short $350. Now the car!! UGH!!
So I go over the bills again and scrimp and save here and there. Nothing. I scrimped enough that we wouldn't starve the next 2 weeks. That still leaves us with a car we are scared to drive.
Then the mail comes. Thank you, Paul's w-2 is in the mail. So I run up to the convience store I worked at last summer to see if, by chance, the w-2's are ready. They are!! So I run back home and grab all the w-2's and go over our taxes. If I figured them right, we would get back a little over $3300. Now to just wait till Kelli gets home so we can borrow her car to go get our taxes done at Hewlett Jackson.
Kelli gets home and lets us use the car. Off we go. Turns out I did the numbers wrong....we should get back $3400. WooHoo!!! We MIGHT get it back tomorrow, if not it will be Monday. Then the car will go straight to the shop to get the clanking taken car of and get the drivers side door fixed. What ever is left over goes straight into a savings account. I'm so tired of not having any savings. Paul being unemployed for so long took a huge bite out of our savings. I also need to save some money for April when I can take advantage of a certain amnesty program the city holds every year 8(
(anyone curious, feel free to email me)
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Dylan had his first fight in school yesterday. Dylan said B. open handed "punched" him in the nose, so he punched him in the mouth and bloodied B.'s lip. Vice Principal said everything was fine, only a little blood and they where friends again. B. even wants Dylan to spend the night this weekend.
Bacon flavored kitty.....
Lana has taken to sitting on top of the microwave, which is on top of the fridge, next to the stove. No problem. Well yesterday I guess she missed the vent hood over the stove and landed in the frying pan of congealed bacon grease sitting on the stove. I'm also guessing she flung it all over the kitchen trying to get it off her paws.
She is not a happy kitty.
Monday, January 19, 2004
I haven't been on the computer all weekend and a search party was sent out for me. LOL
I have had all the boys all weekend and today, so if I haven't been cleaning up after the monsters or breaking up fights between them all, I have been hiding in my bedroom and letting Dad handle all of them.
I joined Weight Watchers yesterday. Went ahead and signed up online. I will have to sit and really carefully go over the points. I have been randomly entering foods to see what the point values are and half of them aren't listed. I couldn't even find just plain old coffee with milk and sugar listed.
As of right now I am not babysitting. Waffle House let J. go. I can only watch Tacie from 6am to 6pm. Waffle House hired J. knowing she wouldn't have a sitter after 6pm. 2 days into training they tell her she has to work past 6pm after training was over and since she can't work past then they would have to let her go. That sux!! J. said she would let me know when she needed me again. Hey, atleast I made $25.
Working on my first 34oz cup of water.
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
I did end up babysitting.
Jamie hadn't shown up by noon, so Dylan and I walked to the store. By the time we got back she was walking up the sidewalk. She dropped Tacie off and left for the job interview. Tacie is such a cutie. Dylan is such a helper. He played with her the whole time, threw away a wet diaper, brought out one of his Care Bears to play with and didn't complain too much that she drooled on it.
She will be back at 8 in the morning. Next week she will be here at 6 am. I dread that!!
I woke up at 4am stressing out over money. I hate that. I was worried about calling the bully's parents about Eddie's coat and also on how we would come up with $200 by tomorrow so we have electricity.
So I called the bully's house and talked to his father. He apologized many times for bully's behavior and said he would stop by today with a check to cover the cost of a new coat. Then he starts telling me about something going on at school....
Bully and Eddie are in the same special ed class and their teacher was "let go" right before the Christmas break. I didn't really think anything of it. Now bully's dad is telling me that he is glad I called and that I was the last parent he hasn't talked to about the teacher leaving. He said that the school will not tell the parents why she left, just that she broke school policy and that she was transferred to another school. While they are looking for a new teacher there are 2 teachers that are not qualified to work with special ed students. Bully's dad is upset about this. He kept saying that bully's grades and attitude has gone way down since she left. Eddie hasn't said a thing about any of this (not like I expect him too). Eddie failed math but that's not a special ed class. Anyhoo, he kept going on and on about how they are all going to the board about this and if they have to they will support her legally. I just listened to him babble. I have no idea why she left, I'm sure the school has their reasons, and I'm not concerned about the 2 new teachers. Eddie hasn't suffered from the changes. Sounds to me like bully is failing and they want to blame it on the school.
Now the electricity....we pay thru the apartments (sub-metered). Due to things beyond my control, we came up $200 short on rent last month. No biggie. Manager was cool about it. 2 days ago we get a cut off notice on the door. I'm thinking, ok we need to pay it but I would have liked a few more days notice. So I go talk to the manager today and she said not to worry about it. If we don't have it by tomorrow there's nothing we can do. She will not cut our lights off. Just have it in by the end of the month. That I can handle. ( I was soooo prepared for a come back tho if she said she needed the money.....her best friend lives here in the complex and hasn't paid rent in 3 months. She would have to evict her first before she got anymore money from me.)
So now I am sitting here waiting to see if I am babysitting today or not. I'm kinda hoping she doesn't show up. She did that last week too....told me she needed me and then never showed up. If she doesn't show up today I will not be watching the baby. I can understand that she needs someone to watch her, but she needs to understand I have a life (yeah right) and can't be waiting on her to decide if she needs me or not. Poor girl is maybe 19, if even that. The baby is 1. She needs to grow up.
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
"Do your homework and quit argueing with me! You are wasting time by argueing"
I'm bored. The apartment is clean. All thats left are bedrooms and I will work on them tomorrow.
Paul is working late tonight. He came home long enough to eat dinner and then went back to the office. He's not sure when he will be home.
I'm suppose to watch Tacie tomorrow. Jamie said she would bring her by around 11 or 12.
Oh, I got a call from one of Eddie's teachers to let me know that Eddie and the bully exchanged words and when Eddie walked away, bully grabbed at his coat. Almost ripped the collar and hood off his jacket. (Brand spankin new FuBu coat. Costs over 100$. Late Christmas present from Mike's mom) The teacher told me she would be calling bully's parents and demand they buy Eddie a new coat. Teacher called back this morning and said I had the ok to call bully's parents to discuss it. She gave me their number. (So glad I have that number now) I'm too much of a chicken shit to call so Paul will be calling.
"No Chris I will not do your homework for you. Do they next problem yourself"
Saturday, January 10, 2004
"I feel pretty, oh so pretty......"
Sorry, West Side Story is on. I love that movie. Tony and Maria just met at the dance. Bernardo just caught them together.
Paul and Dylan are asleep. I made a lemon cake. Went grocery shopping this morning. I better not hear anyone say there is nothing to eat for 2 weeks.
"I just met a girl named Maria"
We went to Chili's last night for dinner. We pigged out. Dylan got the chicken crispers. Paul got the steak quesadillas, and I got the baby back ribs and monterey chicken combo. Paul and I shared our dinners. It was soooooo good. We also split a presidente margarita. Tonight we had salad for dinner. Not sure what I will make tomorrow night.
Well I guess our 2 weeks of winter is over. It 40* right now at 10pm, humidity at 87% Highs in the upper 60's all week. Why can't we have 1 winter of real winter?
Friday, January 09, 2004
He got the nookie, the nookie, the nookie.....It's all about the nookie.....
Makes me wonder if he reads my blog.
Damn Clark, the fumes are strong this morning!! I almost gagged walking into the dining room. I NEED to get a self cleaning litter box.
ER was ok. Nothing special. They are starting to reuse storylines now. Gallant walked in on his sister and Pratt, almost just like Marc walked in on Doug and Harper. Next week another premature baby story. I love the show but someone needs to shoot and put it out of its misery. Its lived a long and happy life.
Thursday, January 08, 2004
I was told I should be a stand up comedian today :)
I like that someone gets my sence of humor :)
t minus 34 minutes and counting till a new episode of ER comes on. Just trying to kill some time or I will kill a kid who isn't going to sleep. Paul is watching "Sinbad" (I thought I got that for the kids?), the twins are talking when they should be sleeping (I thought Benadryl puts people to sleep?), and Dylan is fast asleep. Has been since 6:30. Hope he stays that way.
Report card day. Eddie failed math. I am in shock. This boy has never gotten a grade below a C in anything. He is now grounded from everything video game and must bring home more math homework.
Chris failed everything except math. I am shocked he passed math. He is now grounded for a month from everthing video game and bring home more work. They don't care that they are grounded....."Its just a letter. It doesn't mean anything." (rolling eyes)
I think the boys are now quiet. Hopefully the Benadryl kicked in.
t minus 24 minutes and counting....
WARNING........TMI IN THIS POST!!!! (sex talk)
When will he learn to leave me alone in the mornings??
I am not a morning person, never have been. Paul knows this. We've been together for 7 years. We've had morning sex once and he thinks because I gave in that one time I should always give in. WRONG!!! He wanted some nookie last night. We were watching the special features on the American Wedding DVD and all of the sudden he turned it off and said "Lets go do it". My mouth hit the floor. Whatever happened to foreplay, loving caresses, showing me some sort of affection??? A little arguement followed. He complained that his sex to masturbation ratio for the year was sex 1, masturbation 9. Um, hello, last time I checked it was only the 7th day into the new year.
Then this morning, the usual fondling begins which wakes me up from a peaceful slumber. When he finally gets out of bed, I roll over to cuddle his pillows and discover a wet spot on the back of my panties. UGH!!! No it wasn't from me.
Now don't get me wrong, I love my husband and I love sex with my husband. But I do not appreciate that it is expected of me to have sex every night with this man. I do not have the sex drive he does. Hell I'm still waiting on my sex drive. I can flirt and tease with the best of them. But when it comes to actual sex, I could live with it or without it.
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
Chris had his dr's appt last night and I showed the dr the print out I had about RAD. He doesn't think Chris has it. He said too many of the symptoms are also seen in ODD cases and that it is mostly in adopted kids. But if I felt like he should be tested for it we could do that, no problem. I told him we would try changing things at home and I would let him know.
My back is hurting again and I had a migraine last night. I need to look over the insurance papers so I can make an appt for me. Good news....I'm down to almost half a pack of cigarettes!!! Been drinking more water also. Haven't had a Dr.Pepper in 2 days. Wonder if that is why I had the migraine last night.
Paul wants me to cancel the vet appt and call the SPCA to see if they offer shots and neutering. He heard they do for $60. I think he is wrong, but I have been trying to call them and find out. You would think someone would be there by now....its almost 10. Trying again....busy.
Quote for the day....."Mary had a little lamb, and then I ate it!" Space Jam
Monday, January 05, 2004
So far today I have done........
I woke up, does that count??
And its cold!!! The cold front came thru this morning. Its 44 degrees and it feels colder than that.
Oh, I did do something. I made an appointment for Lana to have a check up and shots. Next week, its the big one...she will be neutered.
The boys are watching "Space Jam". Its a very funny movie.
Sunday, January 04, 2004
I got to go for a drive yesterday. Chris and I drove to Galveston. Wasn't planning on it. Paul suggested I drive down 96 and then take 146 back up to 45 and then come home. Well once I got to 146 and 45 and noticed how close we were to Galveston I asked Chris, "Turn around to go home or go to Galveston." He said lets go. So we went to Galveston and parked on the seawall. It was cold!!! Chris and I where in shorts and t-shirts. Needless to say we didn't stay very long. It was fun tho. :)
I also washed the car. That was fun. That might be why my back has been hurting again. I can't wait till insurance kicks in so I can go to the doctor. I need a check up BAD!!
Today I woke up in a terrible mood and have been a bitch to everyone. I thought Trey and Vince went home today but the bitch, I mean their mother, finagled another day. I'm like, "Hello, they have been here almost 2 weeks. Chris has a dr's appt. tomorrow and I can't fit all 5 boys in the clown car. And Paul said he was working late starting tomorrow." So now Paul has to come home early from work so that he can take them home in time for me to have the car for the appt.
Just 1 more day till they all go back to school!!!!
Friday, January 02, 2004
Day 2
I had cigs left in my pack this morning. Thats a good thing. When I go get more I will switch to the shorts instead of 100's. I also got me some gum last night and it is working so far. Just regular juicy fruit.
Apartment is clean again. I had to go to the office and let the manager know that 1 wall in the boys room is not getting any electricity for some reason. No lights and 1 outlet isn't working.
Thursday, January 01, 2004
Well, I suck!!!!!
I broke down and bought a pack of cigarettes, BUT I am not smoking as much as normal and only outside. If I can make it thru today with some still in that pack I will be happy. Tomorrow is another day and I will worry about it then.
Good thing tho.....my apartment has never been cleaner!!!
I will quit smoking, just not today. I can't do it cold turkey. I went half the day with out any and was about to turn into evil mommy. I don't need the extra stress from trying to quit smoking. So I will take it one day at a time. I have also told the kids that mommy hasn't quit, blah, blah, blah, so that they can continue to bug me to slow down. They understand that this is hard on me.