Tuesday, January 06, 2004


Chris had his dr's appt last night and I showed the dr the print out I had about RAD. He doesn't think Chris has it. He said too many of the symptoms are also seen in ODD cases and that it is mostly in adopted kids. But if I felt like he should be tested for it we could do that, no problem. I told him we would try changing things at home and I would let him know.

My back is hurting again and I had a migraine last night. I need to look over the insurance papers so I can make an appt for me. Good news....I'm down to almost half a pack of cigarettes!!! Been drinking more water also. Haven't had a Dr.Pepper in 2 days. Wonder if that is why I had the migraine last night.

Paul wants me to cancel the vet appt and call the SPCA to see if they offer shots and neutering. He heard they do for $60. I think he is wrong, but I have been trying to call them and find out. You would think someone would be there by now....its almost 10. Trying again....busy.

Quote for the day....."Mary had a little lamb, and then I ate it!" Space Jam


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