Nothing new to report yet. 1 load of laundry is drying. Some dishes need washed. Lana has been staying off the fridge so no new and exciting messes to clean up.
I'm using the patch now to stop smoking. I don't like the side effects I'm getting. Annoying headache, which ever arm I am using for the patch hurts thru out the day, so I haven't been using it for the whole 24 hours I am to keep it on for. I think its working. I do miss the taste of a cigarette tho :(
Dylan is on his first field trip today. They went to 1 of the high schools to see the pigs. They are studying barn yard animals this week. I'm more excited about it than he is. I can't wait till he gets home to hear all about it and see the shirt he made in class for the trip. They used white t-shirts and painted their hand prints on them. CUTE!!
I'm also waiting to hear if Paul gets the advance today or not. He was approved for it yesterday. I'm hoping it will be fed-exed to the office today. We are ok on food for today. Tomorrow is a little iffy.
Tales from the Laundry Room
Just the boring everyday ramblings of a SAHM to 3 boys. The twin boys, who next month turn 12, who will very soon put their beloved mother in the looney bin. There is the 5 year old, who is his mother's shadow, who, if it wheren't for certain body parts, would be the ultimate drama queen. These are the Tales of the Laundry Room
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