Thursday, January 08, 2004

WARNING........TMI IN THIS POST!!!! (sex talk)

When will he learn to leave me alone in the mornings??

I am not a morning person, never have been. Paul knows this. We've been together for 7 years. We've had morning sex once and he thinks because I gave in that one time I should always give in. WRONG!!! He wanted some nookie last night. We were watching the special features on the American Wedding DVD and all of the sudden he turned it off and said "Lets go do it". My mouth hit the floor. Whatever happened to foreplay, loving caresses, showing me some sort of affection??? A little arguement followed. He complained that his sex to masturbation ratio for the year was sex 1, masturbation 9. Um, hello, last time I checked it was only the 7th day into the new year.

Then this morning, the usual fondling begins which wakes me up from a peaceful slumber. When he finally gets out of bed, I roll over to cuddle his pillows and discover a wet spot on the back of my panties. UGH!!! No it wasn't from me.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my husband and I love sex with my husband. But I do not appreciate that it is expected of me to have sex every night with this man. I do not have the sex drive he does. Hell I'm still waiting on my sex drive. I can flirt and tease with the best of them. But when it comes to actual sex, I could live with it or without it.


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