It dawned on me what today is while watching the news.......
"Five years ago today Latin singer Selena was killed......"
Which means 6 years ago today my mom died.
I miss you very much Mom. :)
Tales from the Laundry Room
Just the boring everyday ramblings of a SAHM to 3 boys. The twin boys, who next month turn 12, who will very soon put their beloved mother in the looney bin. There is the 5 year old, who is his mother's shadow, who, if it wheren't for certain body parts, would be the ultimate drama queen. These are the Tales of the Laundry Room
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Still waiting.....
I have found 7 trojans on this damn piece of junk. Everything becomes a peice of junk when it isn't working properly. So anyway, 7 trojans and I'm still getting a freakin search bar at the top.....Proxy Def Bind. How can I get rid of it? I have removed it and it comes back. I unclick it from view and it comes back.
The twins are home from school today. Allergies. I need to call in their refill of Zyrtec and I'm sure the dr wants to see them before he refills it. I'm gonna try to get something for Dylan also. My poor baby's eyes look so bad...all red and puffy. Chris has been coughing really bad and says his inhaler isn't working. Eddie has alittle of all the symptoms. Benadryl has been our friend around here lately. Doesn't help that we are surrounded by trees and cats. And I needed a head transplant yesterday. I went to bed at 7:30 with a migraine.
But ofcourse the twins are acting just fine. They could have gone to school. They are in their room right now wrestling when they should be cleaning it so they can play video games. (rolling eyes)
Happy Birthday dear Pezzy :) I hope you have a fantastic day.
Amy, you really need to have that baby already. She needs to make an appearance before I disappear. ;)
Miss Doxie, you need to blog. I need a fix :D
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Well the leasing company for the computer called yesterday.......
Them...."Will we see you today to make a payment?"
Me....."I'm waiting on Jeff (manager) to call me back from last week."
Them...."Well Jeff is on vacation this week. Is there something I can help you with?"
Me...."Well I asked him about lowering our payments and if he can't do that then we need to return it. We can't afford the payments right now."
Them....."I see. I need to talk this over with the other manager and I will call you back."
Still waiting.
Other than that, the computer is acting nuts. My favorites doubled in size over night so I deleted a bunch. Now none of the links work. I have run anti-virus, scan disk, defrag....nothing. Its like someone has taken over the computer.
Monday, March 29, 2004
Stole this from one of the forums.......
Are you tired of the mushy friendship poems that always sound good,
but never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a friendship poem
that really speaks to true friendship and truth itself.
Friend, when you are sad, ... I will get you drunk and help you plot revenge
against the sorry bastard who made you sad.
When you are blue, ...I'll try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
When you smile, ....I'll know you finally got laid.
When you are scared, ...I will tell you horrible stories about how much
worse it could be and for you to quit whining.
When you are confused, ... I will use little words to explain it to your dumb ass.
When you are sick, ...stay away from me until you are well again. I don't
want whatever you have.
When you fall, ... I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.
This is my oath, ...I pledge 'till the end. Why you may ask?
Because you are my friend.
Send this poem to ten of your closest friends (or else you will have bad
luck, go to hell, and get depressed because you realize you only have
two friends, and one of them is not speaking to you right now anyway).
P..S. A friend will help you move. A really good friend will help you move a body.
Saturday, March 27, 2004
So life is back to normal, as normal as life can get.
Report cards came out this week. Dylan got checks in everything :D He had "Fabulous Friday" yesterday. That is a special day for all the kids who didn't have more than 10 conduct cuts in the last 9 weeks. It was a skating trip last time. I guess it didn't work out to well because this time it was movies in the classroom. LOL Dylan's class watched "Lion King 1 1/2".
Chris is the one I was worried about. He failed everything last grading period. He has been grounded since. This report card was much better....C's, B's, and a low D. He even willingly read a comic book last night. I asked him to sweep the kitchen and he said he would when he was done reading. I stopped what I was doing, looked, and sure enough he was. I'm so proud of him :D
Eddie passed everything as always. A's and B's. Paul mentioned that they need to mainstream him back into all his classes. I agree. His next ARD is in 2 weeks.
So as a reward for such awesome acheivements, they got to stay up late, watch tv, and sleep on the sofa bed. Dylan passed out around 9, 9:30. I went to bed around midnight and the twins where still up.
They all woke me up at 7 in the freakin morning on a Saturday!! And Paul has to work today. They needed someone to do some drawings the old fashioned hand. Paul loves to draw so he offered to do it, plus its 8 more hours on his next check.
I foresee a trip to the park in the near future for the boys and I. Or maybe walk to Jackies and let them play on the trampoline. I have always said that I wouldn't let my boys jump on those things (and I still don't want them too) but they do actually behave on it. They follow the rules and don't get rowdy on it.
I haven't heard back from Arron's about the computer. I have them on my to do list for today.
But first I need to wake up some more.
Good morning everyone :)
Thursday, March 25, 2004
My brother found her. She moved and didn't let anyone know. And it pisses me off that I call my brother in NY asking if he had heard from her or has any phone numbers I don't have, and he says no but yet he calls her at her FIL's and tells her to call me. WTF????
And, and, get this, shes not too happy that we were worried about her and had the sheriff looking for her. She thinks its funny.
And she is still with the asshole that beat her up.
Can I start this week over? With a different outcome??
Now on top of the money problems we are having, my sister is missing.
About 2 months ago, my sorry excuse for a brother in law beat my sister up again. She called me a few days after it happened and we talked. Her plan was to file for divorce and either move home or move to Indiana. She was also planning on flying to AZ to be there for the birth of her best friends baby.
Well, I get an email from the best friend this morning asking if I had heard from my sister. The BF hasn't heard from her in months and the baby is a month old. So I try calling my disconnected. I called information....the number is unpublished and they won't give it to me. So I call the sherriffs office and ask them to do a well check for me. I'm just sitting here waiting on them or her to call me.
Paul mentioned this morning that if we had the money he would drive up to Ohio and bring her home. For the record, he can not stand my sister. Niether can I really, but I do worry about her. Mostly worry about my neice and nephew. They have been thru so much the past few years, all because of her. Their dad dies unexpectedly. Their mom starts dating a woman. Now shes married to an abuser.
Some one give me strenght!!!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Talked to someone from Arrons (where we are renting the computer) and am waiting to hear back if they can lower our payments. The manager is suppose to call me back after he talks to "head office". If so, and its reasonable, I will be looking into cheap dial-up.
Monday, March 22, 2004
I'm hopeing that if I type this out, or "say it", it won't everything else in my life. I jinx myself alot by doing that. Anywhoo......
I will be going offline. Not sure how long. At this point it looks like a year. This new car payment is literally kicking us in the ass. So we have to send back the puter we are leasing and then the cable and internet cable will be cut off. Not much left to give up after that. I'm hoping it doesn't get bad enough for me to go back to work, but I will if I have too.
If anyone cares to keep in touch, send me an email and I will give you my address. I will gladly keep in touch with my friends the old fashioned snail mail. Or the phone even :) I will be keeping my email address as I hope to go to the library and check in from time to time.
I'm not even going to say good bye in one of my regular forums. Doubt seriously if I will be missed.
Friday, March 19, 2004
Friday Five........
If you...
1. ...owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve? Paul and I have talked about this all the time. American, mostly southern cooking probably. We do have some items planned of them being spaghetti sandwiches, thanks to the kids. LOL
2. ...owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell? Movie stuff. Not just selling movies, but collector stuff. As most of you know I want to be a celebrity stalker.
3. ...wrote a book, what genre would it be? Celebrity biographies
4. ...ran a school, what would you teach? Common sence
5. ...recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it? Well since I can't sing, it would probably be something to scare wild animals away with.
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Meme de jour
(WTH does meme stand for?)
If you call me Robin, you are anyone that knows my name.
If you call me Rob, you are one of my close friends.
If you call me Mom, you are one of my kids.
If you call me Suga Momma, you are Dylan.
If you call me sweetie, I'm likely to tear your head off.
If you call me a bitch, you know me too well.
If you call me Mrs. Cooper, you are Dylans teacher.
If you call me Mrs. Thompson, you are someone calling about one of the twins.
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Ok, who took my kids?? Huh, who has them? Cuz ya know what? You can keep them. The ones you left in their place will do VERY nicely.
My boys are cleaning house. On their own free will. No bribes, no begging, no threats. At 10:15 at night.
Eddie mostly. So far he has cleaned their bathroom, gone thru the computer disks laying around the computer table and put them back in there cases....and then put them away where they belong!! OMG. He then put the clean dishes away, drained the cold dishwater and was going to fill it up again to do more dishes but can't due to not enough hot water. And by the sounds of it now he is cleaning their room.
I wonder what he wants???
Dylan wanted to help and cleaned the table off. He did a great job ;)
Chris I think is getting sick. He feel asleep as soon as Survivor was over. He's been coughing too. He's up now, watching Cartoon Network in my room.
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
I must have idiot written on me somewhere....
Hispanic woman comes back tonight with english speaking husband.
Him....Is your husband home to sign this title?
Me....No, he's working late tonight.
Him....Well my wife bought this car.....
Me....How do I know this? You come to me with the title. I didn't sell you or her the car. I sold it to someone else. He needs to come here for my husband to sign it.
Him....No he doesn't.
Me....How do I know you didn't steal the car from who I sold it to?
Him....Call the police and ask them.
Him....(starts speaking spanish to wife)
Me....Ya know what? I'm not having this arguement again. (closed door in their faces)
Paul comes home and I tell him what happened. He said he won't sign it without the guy I sold it to present.
It has been 4 days since I last blogged....time to blog.
Hey everyone, good morning, how is everyone? Me, I could use more sleep. Dylan hasn't grabbed the concept that spring break means sleeping in late.
I have a huge zit taking up residence on my right cheek.
Still no word on the mini van other than "its on the rack". How long does it take someone to fix a transmission??
Speaking of cars, when I sold the toyota a few weeks back the title wasn't signed so I told the buyer to come back that weekend and have Paul sign it. He never showed up. Cut to this morning. I'm on the toliet taking a dump (sorry, TMI) and I hear someone knocking on the front door. Chris answers it. I hurry up with my business and go see whos at the door. There stands a hispanic woman trying to talk to us in broken English.
Her...."I bought this car and need the title signed."
Me..."Well I need the person I sold it to to bring me the title. I didn't sell you the car."
Her...."The car is broken......."
Me..."I know the car is broken. The guy who bought the car from me knew it was broken. If you are trying to pull something on me, you are taking it up with the wrong person."
Her..."But this title......" Trying to hand me title.
Me...."I don't know you. I didn't sell you the car. I'm not signing anything." Backing away from the title like it was contagious
Her...."But, but....."
Me...."But nothing....its 9 am during spring break. We aren't even up yet. If you want us to sign the title over to you, you need to bring back the guy we sold it too. I know the car was broke, the guy we sold it to knows its broke. Thats why he bought it...he said he could fix it. Now if he can't and sold it to you, then thats y'alls problem not mine."
Her...."Oh......ok. So sorry"
(rolling eyes)
Do I have idiot tattooed on my forehead?
Saturday, March 13, 2004
I'm being lazy......
C/P'ed from one of the forums I visit. I thought it might help in getting to know me better.
Looks....plain, natural. I hate makeup but will wear it when I "go out". I am not girlie but yet I am about some things (ie, I like to get my nails done, color my hair sometimes, eyesbrows cleaned up). You can find me in shorts or sweatpants and a tshirt, most likely without a bra on and bare feet. My friends joke that you know its cold out if Robin has shoes on. Minimal jewelry....2 rings and very small hoop earings I never take out. My hair is a mess right now because I am growing it out. I pull it back with a head band. I am not high maintance.
Additude....I am a bitch. LOL I am a good friend. I am not bossy. I am shy till you get to know me better. I get along better with guys. I only have 2 girl friends IRL. I'm a loner. I am not your typical mom. I keep secrets. I have a good sense of humor. I keep my word. I'm always early. I can be impatient. I am the one my friends call when they need to know who played in what movie. I'm a good judge of character. I'm a hard worker but yet very lazy. I consider myself a late bloomer.
Oh I can't stand confrontation. I'm not a crier, but if I have to confront someone I bawl like a baby. And I hate it and cry even more.
Unless the person that I have to confront has really pissed me off then you better watch out. Thats when the real bitch in me comes out.
(I apologize to anyone right now for any cussing that took place in this post. I cuss and apologize for doing it...another character trait of mine)
Thursday, March 11, 2004
I'm bored. I get like this when I don't have a working car. Still haven't heard back on it either. Paul was going to call when he got home last night but then worked late.
I'm so bored I can't think of anything to post. Haven't talked to Jackie all week because her grandmother is in town. Kelly has been working alot. So its just been me and the boys.....bored.
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Haven't been online much the past few days. Trey and Vince are here on spring break, which means I have been hiding out in my bedroom. I shouldn't say hiding...thats where I end up. One kid is playing Game Cube and the other is on the puter. Not much left to do after I clean so I go hide.
Next week Chris, Eddie and Dylan have spring break. We want to go to the beach.
Its 80* right now. I hope next week is as nice as this week has been.
Katie, I mailed you that Dustmite shirt this morning. Hope you get it in time for your trip :)
Sunday, March 07, 2004
Friday nights' near heart attack......
I had the van Friday due to Eddie's post op appt. Paul said to pick him up from work at 4. No problem....Mike won't be by to pick up the twins till 4:30, we'll be back in time. Nope, didn't happen. I pick up Paul and he says we need to pick up Trey and Vince from Pasadena by 4:30. "No we can't...I left Eddie at home with orders not to answer the door or phone. I have no way to let him know we are not coming home." So I run into Pauls office and try to call Eddie. He doesn't answer (good boy). So I call Kelly and tell her whats up and keep an eye on the apartment for me. Off we go to Pasadena, the whole time I am freaking out. I have left Eddie home by himself before but no more than an hour. We get to the bitch's office and tell her we can't chit chat, we have to go. So we leave again. On the way home Paul see's smoke comeing out of the back of the van. The kids see it too. No Paul I don't see it, lets get home. I'm a nervous wreak. He pulls over and sure enough we are smoking. He checks all the fluids while I frantically search my phone book to see if I put Mikes new cell phone number in there. YES I did!! So I call Mike and he said he just got to the apartment and knows Eddie is there. All is fine with Eddie, call back if I need to come pick y'all up. Good....Eddie is fine. Now to worry about the van. Paul puts more transmission fluid in and we are on the road. Starts smoking the closer we get to home. Paul runs the last red light in fear of the car not moving again if we stop. Sure enough a cop saw him and followed us home. I'm about to die at this point. I'm such a nervous wreck. I jump out of the van and run to the apartment to make sure Eddie is ok while Paul deals with the cop. Mike follows me up to get the boys stuff. Try , Vince, Chris and Dylan are in awe of Dad maybe getting a ticket. (LOL) Paul explains to the cop what was going on and the cop let him off. No ticket. Thank Gawd!!
Saturday morning Paul calls the car lot to see what can be done. He already has this plan in his head....Have the lot pay for the problem. If its a major fix, split the cost btw us and the lot and add our share to our payments. The lot owner gave Paul the same offer. They will come pick it up Monday morning and get it fixed for us.
Friday, March 05, 2004
I finally watched Smallville last night. I was on the edge of my seat the whole show. Did Lionel pull the trigger? Is this when Lex goes bad? How did the call go back in time? Can I wait 4 weeks for the next new episode?
Today is Go Texan day at Dylan's school. He looks so cute as a cowboy. He was walking around here singing,"I wanna be a cowboy baby".
Chris had his dr.'s appt. last night with his pyschologist. He still has his mad at the world additude so the dr. is going to refer him to a therapist so we can find out why he is so mad all the time. I know why he is. He's mad because he can't do what he wants to when he wants to. Its the whole O.D.D. thing. I mentioned how he is grounded all the time and that could be why he is mad. The dr. understood. If Chris would just follow the rules we have set down for him he would have more freedom to do what he wants. But he doesn't. He does what he wants and to hell with the rules. I'm dreading him becoming a teenager. He acts defensive about everything which is part of the O.D.D. thing (opositional defiant disorder). I ask him to do something simple like take a shower and that becomes a battle. Its like I asked him to kill one of the cats. I just don't understand what is going on in his head. He wants to go outside and play. Fine, stay away from the ditch and the woods. Where do I find him playing? The ditch or the woods.
I'll just put it this way......I'm scared to let him out of my sight in fear that he will run away. He is that defiant. He is 11 years old. He makes it hard for me to love him or show him love when all I want to do is ring his neck. I wish I could. I'm just going to have to force it on him and show him that yes we do love him and want whats best for him. But he still fights it.
I have to go now......
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Now that I have calmed down and don't feel like killing a stupid adult, I can post........
Yesterday, Chris was late home from school. At the 10 minutes late mark, I called the bus barn to find out what was going on. I was put on hold for another 10 minutes while they find out where his bus is. I finally see him walking to the apartment from another direction, not his usual route. So I hang up with the bus barn and ask him why he is late. He had a substitute driver who didn't know where to go and on top of that another parent wanted her child dropped off somewhere else. Chris said they had to stop several times so the driver could call in for directions. So I call the bus barn back and talk to the supervisor who told me that yes it was a substitute driver and that he did know where he was going. After a few minutes of trying to get the truth out of her (because she finally did admit he didn't know where he was going) she made mention of "I'm being a grown up here", I asked her what she meant by that and she said "just what I said, I'm a grown up." I hung up on her. I was furious. If I had any other way to get my kids to school and not use their buses I would. She was making me feel like I was being ridiculous about worrying where my son was and haveing a driver that didn't know where to go. I'm so sick and tired of being treated like an idiot because I am home worrying about my kids, that I actually care what my kids do and where they are.
Momma bear, hear me ROAR!!!!!
On a good note, Eddie brought home his course selection for next year. He wants to take Home Ec and Leadership Development Corps (jr high version of ROTC). I made sure that he knew he would be one of a few boys in home ec. He said there are few of his friends signing up for it also.
Off to take Dylan and Tyler to the bus stop.......