Monday, June 21, 2004

Checking in again. Chris I got your card. Roni, my phone is disconnected.

Quick rundown. New management took over the complex we live at and didn't like the way things where being run, ie how the bills where paid. Old what you can when you can. New now or you will be evicted. We have been fighting it as much as we can and still today have somewhere to live. Can't say that about next week. They have tried to illegally cut our lights off. We fought it and won. Paul is looking into getting a lawyer. I had a garage sale this past weekend to raise money but ended up spending it on a fan and dinner when we came home to an apartment with no a/c. Still waiting on the a/c to be fixed.

Need to go now. Kids are getting restless.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

I am here. I am alive. Just everything has gone to hell around me the last 2 weeks. If you have my address feel free to write me. I will be writing to those of you I have your address and explaining whats going on. I just don't want to get into it here.

And no it has absolutely nothing to do with whats is/was going on in the forums. I haven't even gone there yet so I'm not sure if its a topic. But I don't want anyone thinking I was scared off. LOL

On a good note, the twins turned 12 yesterday. :)

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers, light candles for us or whatever you do. We really need them now.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Creed broke up :(

I'm mad at J and K.

Paul had to work today.

A certain forum is causing too much drama. I have had numerous emails asking what I meant in a certain thread. Why doesn't anyone have the balls to stand up to those "know it alls"? The holier than thou additudes are chasing people off. The newbies are too whiney. About every 6 months the forum goes to hell and I feel like I am the only one to see thru it all. And I will not be quieted by the know it alls. They might be able to scare off others, but I ain't leavin.

I'll just quote something Paul said last night about what's going on in the forums, and I may just change it to my new nickname...."Jesus wasn't holier than thou."

Today is starting out to be a bad day. I went to bed last night after having an arguement with K and J, and this morning I still feel uneasy about it. And now I get this email about one of my all time favorite rock groups......


One of the most successful songwriting partnerships and groups in the history of the music business disbands after nearly a decade together.

June 4th -- After nearly a decade together, Creed has decided to disband. During their 8 years and 3 albums together (My Own Prison, Human Clay, Weathered) Creed achieved countless Rock & Roll milestones and sold over 30 million albums worldwide. With their unprecedented success at radio and their captivating live shows, Creed became one of the most successful acts to rule the charts over the past ten years."

I won't post the whole thing for fear of copywrite or whatever, but it says that Mark Tremonti (guitarist), and Scott Phillips (drummer) are getting another band together with the original guitarist of Creed and another singer. The new band is called Alter Bridge. Scott Stapp, gorgeous lead singer of Creed, will be making a solo album.

My arguement with J and K? I really hadn't talked to either of them all week. Then J called me last night for a movie trivia question..."Hey, who's the guy that was in Blue Lagoon? Christopher...?" "Atkins" "Yeah, thats it. (to someone else on her end of the phone) I told you it was Atkins. (back to me) ok, thanks." click. That hurt my feelings. I started crying. I thought about it for a few minutes and called her back. "Am I just movie trivia to you?" I told her how I don't talk to her or K all week, but yet they send their kids to my house to play and call me for movie trivia. No hi, how are you doing, haven't talked in a while, lets sit and talk. J told me that K was bored and decided to come over. I told J that I thought the 3 of us where friends but I feel left out all the time. J is always going to K's apartment, but never comes to mine. They always plan stuff together and leave me out of their plans. Yes, I'm jealous. They say they are my friend but yet I'm not included in things.

Friday, June 04, 2004

French Guard
I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous
accent, you silly king-a?!

What Monty Python Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Well, I'm working again. The manager of the complex I live at came and asked if I would clean the empty apartments and get them ready to move in. I said sure. I had already talked to her about a few weeks ago but she said I was a day late. She will pay me $40 for the 2 bedrooms and $30 for the 1 bedrooms. I'm also going to make sure the laundry room stays clean, but she's not paying me for that. I'm doing that vountarily. All these single mexican men around here do not know what a trash can is.....seriously!! I get so tired of going to do my laundry and there are clothes, lint, and beer bottles all over the place in and around the laundry room. I'm not even going to mention what the rest of the complex looks like.

I think Paul and I decided to see about moving into a downstairs apartment also. The manager is going to move back into the apartment that should be the office....ya know, the one at the front of the complex that says office. Well she had moved to another apartment for some reason and had the office out of hers. The person living in the "office" moved out, so the manager is moving back into there. So I'm going to ask about moving into her apartment. Why? Its downstairs, she has a cute little garden going off her patio, and its the managers apartment...the only apartment I trust to be in perfect condition. Why do I want to move downstairs? Dishwasher!

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Ok, maybe someone can explain to me why anyone would want to own a rooster in a residential neighborhood.
The apartments I live in are backed up to a trailer park. Not the best thing to see when I look out my window, but oh well. Anyhoo, months ago the idiot in the trailer right behind us decided to get a rooster to go with his chickens. No biggie, it was cute at first. A week later I was ready for some fried chicken. The damn thing woke us all up at 5 am. Paul called the non-emergency number to the cops and asked them about it. Nothing they can do. Its not against ordinance to keep a rooster in the trailer park. Annoying yes, but not breaking any rules. If we want to fight it go to the city council meetings. I say phooey on them. I wrote out a "nice" little note and walked over to the trailer at 6am. I knocked on their door. No answer because they are (shock) asleep. So I put the note on their door. The note said something along the lines of this is not a farm, did you ask your neighbors if they wanted to be woken up at 5 every freakin morning, etc. It worked, they got the point. I hadn't heard the damn rooster before 8 am.
Until this past weekend. I hear it at 5am again. I guess they think since school is out the damn thing isn't interupting anyones sleep.
Anyone for a chicken fry?

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Am not....

I'm an irredeemably eejitous, liberal, not-too-generous, not-too-selfish, pathetically simple-minded, dribbling child!
See how compatible you are with me!
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Trey and Vince are gone. The noise level is back to somewhat normal. Now I am sitting here chatting with a friend I haven't chatted with in a couple of months. The twins are playing video games and Dylan is bugging me to paint but we have no paint. My kitchen floor is mopped, the kitchen is clean. Dinner is in the crock pot. Paul should be home in about an hour, depending on traffic. (interuption for tantrum throwing)
I need a vacation. On a secluded beach (think "The Beach"). With a bottle of rum and an ounce of smoke. And of course the coke (cola) to go with the bottle of rum and the papers to smoke the weed. And a really good book. With a hammock in the shade. S.E.C.L.U.D.E.D. And an endless supply of munchies. George. Hugh. Orlando. Brad. Mine all mine. My preetty. My pre-shioouussss.

Someone help me! The kids are taking over!

Chris and Eddie where to stay with their dad till yesterday (didn't happen) and Trey and Vince where to go home yesterday (didn't happen). So we are now on day 2 of having all the boys. It wouldn't be so bad if the bitch would make sure T and V packed enough clothes and packed a swim suit for them. But no, gawd forbid she actually do her motherly duties.

Need more coffee.....

We watched ROTK 1 1/2 times. Then J came and borrowed it. I need to finish watching Phonebooth today so it can go back. I think we are going to walk to the park. Take Dylan to movie/craft time at the library at 2 and while we are there sign all the boys up for the summer reading program.. When Paul gets home he will take T and V to the bitches office. Spaghetti for dinner and then we will go swimming tonight. Atleast I have kept the apartment somewhat decent with all the boys here. Thats an amazing feat in itself.