Saturday, May 15, 2004

Happy 14th birthday to my stepson Trey! I have a teenager in the house! (insert screams while running away)

Paul and Trey got up very early this morning to head to New Braunfels for a band competition. After that they are spending the rest of the day at Shliterbahn (very cool water park for those that don't know). They will be home very early tomorrow morning. Vince will be here sometime later today after a family reunion in Galveston. So its just me and Dylan today.

K is home. She got home sometime yesterday. I haven't talked to her. J has several times.

I think Dylan and I will walk over to J's later. I need to make the car payment and the lot is just on the corner of J's street. May go to the library also. I have about 8 movies on hold they should be calling me about either today or tomorrow. I can't wait to see some Monty Python. I have only seen their movies once and have the Holy Grail and Life of Brian on hold. Paul and I started watching "The Audrey Hepburn movie" last night with Jennifer Love Hewitt. So far its an ok movie.


At May 17, 2004 at 3:05 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Happy belated birthday to Trey!
How were your movies?

At May 17, 2004 at 4:45 AM, Blogger Robin said...

"Wonderland" is good if you like true crime dramas, "Rundown" I couldn't watch. Sean William Scott was playing "Stifler" again, kwim?


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