Thursday, May 13, 2004

Well, I found out last night that Paul has bookmarked my blog. He said he doesn't read it too much but knows its there. I told him I use this as a place to vent when needed so if he sees anything in here about him he can't get mad.

I think I'm trying to get sick again. Woke up this morning with my chest and throat hurting. But I feel fine, just tired. I think I may be pre-menopausal, if thats possible. Haven't been sleeping all that great, hot flashes that last hours and I'm way more weepy than normal. Or I could just be a hypochondriac.

What to do today.....finish the kitchen, make that cake I have been wanting to make for weeks now, maybe make the other half of that brisket for dinner, watch Survivor and ER, go pick up Chris' prescriptions and hope they don't cost an arm and a leg.

I also talked to a neighbor last night that I also worked with at the convience store last summer. She told me to go talk to the owner about getting my job back because one of the other girls is hinting to quiting. I want to but only if its part time. I don't trust the twins home alone all summer for more than a few hours. Hell I don't trust them home alone for 5 minutes, but yet I can't get a sitter for them either. Thats how bad the twins are or could be when no one will watch them for me. Well, I could but it would be 2 different sitters. Plus its not worth going back to work if I have to pay for a sitter. I need the extra money to help with the bills, not dish it back out to a sitter. Plus the sitter would prolly want more money than I can afford to pay. I'll have to really think about this.


At May 13, 2004 at 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know, me too :o

At May 14, 2004 at 3:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dennis has known all along about mine too. He's been good about it, though. He rarely reads it and when he does, he doesn't complain.

At May 17, 2004 at 3:14 AM, Blogger Chris said...

LOL! Dave will check mine out on occasion. I thinks he's checking to see when he's on the dookie list. ;)


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