Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Have you ever had days where the forums just piss you off? I've been having a week like that. Ladies from Her Time and SAHP's, nothing from there has pissed me off.....I think its more of an annoyance?!?! I feel like some of my posts that I felt were saying something are being ignored, or overlooked. Sometimes I will ask a question about something trivial, nothing important, and get no answers to it. Then there is the heirarchy (is that spelled right?). I feel like some of the regulars that have been there longer than me look down on me (and others) for some reason. They think they are better than some of us.

Then there are the idiots. Some of you lovingly refer to them as trolls. Its like some people live for the trolls to start shit. Don't feed the trolls, people, they will go away.

And then there are those that seem fake to me, like they are putting on an act. I don't understand that. Its not like there are high chances of any of us ever meeting each other, so why do it?

And lastly are the girls I love to post back and forth with. There is a growing number of you girls that I would love to meet and spend time with. And I hope you all know who you are and know that I love you guys!! You have all been there for me when I needed it.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program.....


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