Wednesday, May 19, 2004


Morning all.

I talked to K the other morning. She was diagnosed with having a nervous breakdown and they want to test her for bi-polar. She is still going thru the nervous breakdown. Everytime myself or J talk to her, she is in tears. Plus she is lying off her ass. She tells me one thing and then turns around and tells J something totally different. J and I talked about it yesterday. We are tired of the lies, but yet we know she is having mental problems and don't want to turn our backs on her.

Oh and interesting tidbit.....after I got home from J's yesterday there is a business card on my front door from CPS with a note on the back asking me to call them. WTH?? All I can think of is that Chris' school called them because he hasn't had 1 of his meds in a week. Why? Because his dr is taking his own sweet time authorizing it for insurance. Walgreens has had the script for a week now. I have called the dr, Walgreens has called the dr. He isn't returning anyones calls and I know he is in the office. His receptionist says he is. She keeps giving him his messages from me and Walgreens. So now I have been waiting to hear back from CPS to see whats going on. And if it was the school that called without any thought as to finding out why Chris hasn't had this one med, Paul said we are sueing. The school has no right to demand I medicate my child and then call CPS. I have had CPS called on me before. Why? Because I spanked my child in front of a principal. The CPS worker came and talked to me about and said the school wasted her time by calling.

I also had to go to the car lot yesterday to get my payments straightend out. They lost 2 payments. I spent half an hour on the phone with them going thru receipts. Then I had to walk up there and show them my receipts. One more thing goes wrong with the van or the car lot and I am taking the van back. Just one thing after another with the van or them. Transmission went out 2 weeks after we bought it. There never was an inside handle to the sliding door and I'm still waiting for them to replace it. Now the outside handle is broke from using it more than needed because of no inside handle. Then they loose some of my payments.

And while I am bitching about everyones incompitence, I get a call from the hospital Eddie had his surgery at telling me Medicaid will not pay for it because Medicaid said that Eddie had another primary insurance at the time of surgery. WTH? If he had another primary insurance do you think he would be on Medicaid? So I call Medicaid and they said they have it down as Aetna being primary. No he has not been coved by Aetna in over a year and y'all know that from when I had to apply for Medicaid. So now I have to have my ex call Aetna and get a "Letter of Compliance Coverage" or something like that and send it to Medicaid.


At May 19, 2004 at 9:06 AM, Blogger Katie said...

Good luck with the health care crap, I hate those phone calls. I hope K gets the help she needs. Take care of yourself too!

At May 19, 2004 at 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's not one thing, it's another! I'm glad your friend has a diagnosis, at least that's one step closer to getting all the help she needs.

Keep us updated about CPS. That's scary.


At May 19, 2004 at 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Paul... sue em! It is about time the government gets their nosy asses out of our business. Kids are fed, clean, Happy, house is clean, that should be enough!

At May 20, 2004 at 5:09 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Still keeping K in my thoughts....were you able to get the medical stuff straightened out yet?

At May 20, 2004 at 6:57 PM, Blogger Robin said...

Nope, still waiting on the dr to sign some paper for the insurance. His receptionist said she put it on his chair to make sure he sees it.


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