Monday, May 24, 2004

Good morning all :)

How was everyones weekend? Mine was good. Friday night we watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Saturday Paul had to work so the boys and I cleaned house some and played outside. Sunday we went to the park and then I came home and baked. The boys played outside with friends. Paul then went to the store for his mom while the boys and I got their room ready for the new bed(s) they got from a cousin. Its a day bed with trundle. Very pretty and girlie. LOL The twins don't care. Its more comfortable than the old full size bed they where sleeping on.

One more week of school and then the summer is officially here. I pretty much have our summer planned. Eddie is signed up to volunteer at the library. Then there is all the summer stuff planned at the library.....reading clubs, Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game, movies, crafts, etc. The pool will open this weekend and I will get the passes then. I'm going to call the animal shelter later and see if they need volunteers for the summer and possibly sign Chris up for that. Then there are the trips to the beach and hopefully a trip to Six Flags Astroworld. The boys are begging to go this year.

My oldest neice is graduating this weekend. Insert typical "I can not believe..." saying here. I got her graduation pictures in the mail last week. She is freakin gorgeous. I mean super model gorgeous. Its had to believe she is the product of my brother. We won't be going to the graduation but will be going to the party afterwards.

Still hadn't heard back from CPS.

Don't have a case of the Monday's :)


At May 24, 2004 at 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're having a good day!

Sounds like you guys are going to have a very nice summer. Do the boys actually want to do all that volunteer work, or are you making them? Jonathon wouldn't dream of it :( I'm thinking of signing him up for the humane society when we get our new building built.

I'll keep my fingers crossed about CPS>


At May 24, 2004 at 9:40 AM, Blogger Katie said...

No case of the Monday's here either! :) I'm glad you're having a great day too!

At May 24, 2004 at 1:15 PM, Blogger Robin said...

I suggested the library to Eddie and he agreed to it. The library considers "rising 7th graders" as teens, so Eddie gets to do anything teen oriented including volunteering. Chris will be in 6th next year so he can't volunteer. So I thought of the animal shelter for him since he loves animals. I called them already but are closed today.


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