Thursday, February 26, 2004

Now my rant about me......

I still feel like crap. My head is still sooooo congested. Kelli brought me home some antibiotics the other night and they have helped some. I don't feel like I'm about to die, but I still have the congested feel. My ears hurt, my eyes hurt, sniffling, runny nose, etc, etc. I'm constantly coughing up stuff.

And I have become so absent minded lately. I will walk into a room to do something and then try hard to remember what it was. Like now, I had this nice long rant about me planned out in my head but can't think of anymore than what I have posted already. Oh.....

I am sleeping like crazy. I can not stay up past 8 pm anymore and waking up before the alarm goes off. I don't even remember going to bed last night. Last thing I remember is watching Smallvile, but I don't remember the ending. How did it end? What happened? How did I get to bed? I was wide awake at 4 this morning. I freaked a little. Got up, peed. was going to start the coffee and then stopped and made myself go back to bed. Glad I did. I didn't want to get up when the alarm went off.

I know, I know, I need to go to the dr but this new van payment is literally going to kick us in the ass. Pauls makes good money but then you deduct child support (both past and present) and insurance theres not much left. Half his check is gone. And then the bitch just had to get Treys braces done right this minute so theres another $100 a month. Personally Trey did not need them. The twins need them worse than he does. But thats none of my business.

Calgon, take me away.....


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