Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I feel 100% better right now. Wonder whats wrong? Oh, I know, I have to watch all my friends kids today. Kelli started working today so Ty will be here after school. I have little Kayla here now due to Jackie being rushed to the ER. I also had to take Kayla to the dentist because J didn't feel well enough to take her. I hope Jackie is ok. She's been sicker than a dog for 2 days now with it coming out both ends. She's been buried in her bed, all you could see was her nose sticking out from under the blankets. At 3 I will send Kayla home to get Jordan and then they will come back here.

I also put the Toyota up for sale, so any of you Houston/League City area readers let me know if you want to buy a fixer upper. Give me an offer on this piece of junk. Needs new engine, power steering needs work, drivers side door, and its leaking water but that might just be a hose. Like I said, give me an offer. I would like $200 for it to cover the new brakes and registration.


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